Friday, September 16, 2011

When Science (Fiction) meets Art

So it is a little bit outside of the scope of the blog, but this image is starting to go viral and I like it. I came to see it from blog follower Matt's twitter feed when he retweeted it from the original. You can click the image to see more images of a similar nature.

It is what happens when you play with a light-saber in front of a camera with a very long exposure time. The photography method is called light painting. Now if a reader would kindly invent a real light-saber I can claim that this piece of artwork is a wonderful example of art enriching science. Those interested can discuss in the comments (the blog owners will require 10% of any eventual profits made).


1 comment:

  1. Well, since September 1st the production of 60W bulbs has been stopped. Light sabres are the next logical step.


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