Quickly summarising: The CMB is very cold radiation that permeates
the entire universe. It was created when the expanding and cooling
universe cooled to a point where it was cold enough for hydrogen
atoms to form. Before this point, the electrons and protons in
hydrogen had enough energy to be free from each other to form an
opaque plasma. Once neutral hydrogen formed the universe became
transparent and the CMB was formed and travelled (almost) freely
forever after. We have detected and measured this CMB and its intensity as a function of its frequency (effectively, the brightness
of each colour) is exactly what the Big Bang predicted. If there was
no Big Bang there would be no reason to expect a CMB to exist, let
alone for it to have this particular property. For more details
please read my previous post and the links within.
When writing that post I had intended to say quite a bit more about
the CMB and the Big Bang than I ended up having space for. It is not
quite true that the mere existence (and spectrum) of the CMB is
enough to conclusively determine that the Big Bang must have
happened. However the existence of the CMB did build the metaphorical
equivalent of a thousand big, bold and bright neon signs that all pointed
aggressively towards the Big Bang being true.
I began writing that earlier post and claimed that the CMB does
conclusively prove that the Big Bang happened I had in my mind what I
actually discuss in this post. This is the fact that we can see in the CMB the
effects of sound waves that existed in the primordial hydrogen
plasma. It is these sound waves and our measurements of them that
puts the final nail in the coffin of all things not the Big Bang.
They also represent what I claimed in that earlier post to be
“jaw-droppingly stunning pieces of detective work”.
waves in the primordial hydrogen plasma
At the time that the CMB formed the ever-interesting hydrogen plasma had
been minding its business for around 400,000 years. As I stressed
in the previous post, the temperature in this plasma was constant
everywhere. However, the density of the plasma wasn't quite. There
were tiny, tiny imperfections (around one part in 10^{-5}). We know
that these density fluctuations must have existed simply because we
exist. That is, because stars exist, galaxies exist and clusters of
galaxies exist. None of these things could have existed if the
primordial hydrogen was completely uniform because they came from that
hydrogen. However these structures took billions of years to form, so the fluctuations
must have been very small.
Let's try and get some perspective as to just how smooth the
density was in this primordial hydrogen plasma. Suppose you took two buildings,
each 100 metres tall, and made one of them just one millimetre taller.
Then comparing the density of the hydrogen plasma from one point to
another is equivalent to comparing the heights of these two
These tiny density fluctuations in the hydrogen didn't remain
stationary for all 400,000 years. Firstly, the universe was
expanding. Therefore, the overall density of every region in the
plasma was dropping. Moreover, the slightly over-dense regions had a
slightly greater gravitational attraction than the under-dense regions.
Therefore, just as I explained here, when discussing the formation of
galaxy clusters, the density fluctuations at these points initially
grew. However, unlike the example with the galaxy clusters where
there is nothing except gravity, the hydrogen plasma is full of
radiation. As the density fluctuation in a region grew so did the
pressure in this radiation and this pressure acted to push the region
apart. Eventually, the density fluctuation stopped growing under
gravity and started falling because of this pressure. However, as
soon as this happened, the pressure started to drop. Eventually, the
pressure dropped enough that gravity was again the stronger force.
Then, the density started to increase again and the process was repeated. And so on,
and so on...(An exactly analogous
effect was occurring in the initially under-dense regions.)
This was what happened in the hydrogen plasma for those 400,000 years. The density
fluctuation in any region rose and fell, rose and fell as first
gravity and then pressure took their turn in pulling and pushing
matter towards and away from this region of the plasma. This pulsation in the hydrogen plasma created tiny ripples that
propagated through the plasma. These ripples were sound waves and
were just like the sound waves that propagate through air.
You might be tempted to ask “what would these sounds waves have actually sounded like?” Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not particularly interesting. Firstly, they were far too quiet for the human ear to hear. Secondly, their frequency was far too low to be audible by the human ear. And finally, they didn't have a clear tone (they were made up of many different frequencies). So, even if they were made louder and brought into an audible frequency range, they would not have sounded much different to noise. Nevertheless, this guy claims to have made them louder and audible – so have a listen – but be prepared to be underwhelmed.
Acoustic Peaks
I mentioned above that the pulsation of over-density to under-density
to over-density to under-density occurred in any given “region”
of the plasma. Well, how big were these “regions” that I'm
talking about? The answer is, in fact, “all sizes”.
OK that's a bit confusing, so let me try to explain. If I choose to
look at any region in the hydrogen plasma with any arbitrary size then
it will either be slightly more dense or slightly less dense than the
average density of the entire plasma. In which case, everything I
wrote above about the pulsation of this density fluctuation holds. Of
course, if you were to look at this region more closely, you would
see that smaller regions inside it were also pulsating. That's fine,
so long as the average density fluctuation over all of these smaller
regions corresponds to the density fluctuation of the larger region
encompassing them.
Now come the most important two paragraphs of this entire post, so
concentrate hard.
Smaller regions will pulsate from over-dense to under-dense more
rapidly than bigger regions. Why? Well, because any physical effect
in the plasma takes time to propagate through it (the speed
at which these physical effects propagate is the speed of
sound in the plasma). This means that if a region is smaller it will take less
time for any physical effects occurring in it to propagate from one side to
the other. Therefore, the interchange between gravity and pressure in
a small region can occur more rapidly. OK?
Now, remember that the hydrogen plasma only existed for a finite length of time (approximately 400,000 years). Therefore, when the CMB formed, there was some particular size in the universe, such that all regions of that size would have had just enough time to reach the maximum over-density possible. That is, the CMB formed just before radiation pressure began to push these regions apart again.
Now, remember that the hydrogen plasma only existed for a finite length of time (approximately 400,000 years). Therefore, when the CMB formed, there was some particular size in the universe, such that all regions of that size would have had just enough time to reach the maximum over-density possible. That is, the CMB formed just before radiation pressure began to push these regions apart again.
I said those paragraphs were crucial. Here is why. If at precisely the
moment that the CMB was formed we were somehow able to measure the
density fluctuation in regions with that particular size then we
would expect it to be characteristically larger than the density
fluctuation in regions of any other size. This is a highly
non-trivial thing to be able to expect.
The characteristic length just described is
called the sound horizon. It takes this name because it is precisely
the distance sound could have travelled since the Big Bang began. The
peak in the density fluctuations at this characteristic length is
suitably called an “acoustic peak”.
does all of this affect the CMB?
Let's go back to every cosmologist's best friend, the CMB. As you now know, The CMB forms when the hydrogen in the universe becomes
neutral and the light in the universe stops interacting
with the hydrogen through electric
forces. However everything in the universe continues interacting
gravitationally. The density fluctuations discussed above were tiny (remember the
analogy to the buildings), but they were definitely there. Due to gravity, the
slightly over-dense regions are slightly more attractive than the
slightly under-dense regions. Therefore, any of the light in the CMB
that happened to form in a slightly over-dense region will lose a
tiny bit of its energy as it escapes that ever so slightly greater
gravitational pull. Equivalently, the light in the CMB that came from
under-dense regions will actually gain a little bit of energy as it is pulled out of the under-dense region. These
tiny gains and losses of energy in the CMB turn into tiny increases
and decreases in the temperature of the CMB.
Tiny increases and decreases in the temperature of light basically
correspond to tiny changes in its colour (very loosely speaking -
hotter light is bluer and colder light is redder).
This is remarkable and extremely
fortuitous for those of us wanting to study the early universe. If we
can measure the temperature of the CMB today accurately enough to
detect these tiny fluctuations in temperature then we are directly
measuring those tiny density fluctuations in the primordial universe.
Astonishing. This means that everything I just wrote about those
density fluctuations is directly measurable in the CMB. In
particular, if we look carefully enough at the CMB, we can actually
see the primordial
sound waves of the universe. Read again what I just wrote. It wasn't
a metaphor. The CMB is light. When we record the CMB today we are
basically taking a photograph of what the early universe looked like.
It just took 13.7 billion years for the light to reach the camera!
(I'm not quite sure what “impossible images” are but the sound of
the Big Bang surely must make the short-list of the most remarkable
images ever recorded
by humanity.)
![]() | |
COBE, the satellite experiment I mentioned in my previous post, was
the first experiment ever to be able to measure the temperature
accurately enough to see these fluctuations. It took what is now a
relatively low resolution version of this photograph (but enough for
a Nobel prize at the time!). Later experiments, that were based out
of hot-air balloons then took higher resolution versions of this photograph, but could only see small fractions of the sky. Today's
most significant version of this photograph comes from the WMAP satellite which made its measurements in the first decade of this
century. Now, the entire cosmological community awaits the results
from the Planck satellite, which is up in space measuring the CMB
right now and will improve the resolution of this photograph even
The image above is the WMAP version of the photograph, covering the
entire sky. The fluctuations have been scaled up in amplitude
considerably in order to make them visible. The true version of this
photograph without rescaling looks like this (remember the analogy of
the buildings – could you see the difference in those buildings
just by looking at them?). Also, keep in mind that the CMB is not
visible to the human eye, even if it is visible to the “camera”
taking the photograph. The colours in this image are chosen to
represent what the CMB would look like if its colours were in the
visible part of the colour spectrum. Confusingly, the redder the
image is, the hotter that part of the sky is and the bluer it is, the
colder. I know, I know I sad earlier that the reality is the opposite
– don't blame me, blame the people at WMAP! (or more accurately,
the people in history who made the arbitrary decision that red=hot
and blue=cold before we realised that the truth was the opposite).
Can we
see the acoustic peaks in the CMB?
measurement of the fluctuations in the temperature of the CMB is
certainly a remarkable technical achievement. However the mere
existence of these fluctuations doesn't tell us all that much. In
reality, almost anything could have caused small fluctuations to
exist in the CMB. But! if these temperature fluctuations really did
come from density fluctuations in the (now well discussed) primordial
hydrogen plasma, we should be able to see some acoustic peaks hiding
somewhere in this photograph.
we can!
speaking (I've run out of space again), we can find them in the
following way. Firstly, we break the whole sky up into many smaller
pieces that each have the same size. We then observe the CMB in each of these pieces. Any particular choice for the
size of these sky pieces will correspond to a particular size for the
region of the primordial universe that generated
the part of the CMB that is observed. We can then measure
the average temperature fluctuation in the CMB in each of these sky
pieces and equate it to the average temperature fluctuation in the
corresponding region of the primordial universe. If all goes to plan
we should expect to be able to see acoustic peaks if we plot the
amplitude of the average temperature fluctuations in the sky against the sky piece size.
figure below is more or less this exact plot. That big peak in the figure is the first acoustic peak described above. You can see clearly that the sound horizon takes up about one degree on the sky. There are also other peaks in this plot. They correspond to region sizes in the early universe that have had time for one full pulsation, or one and a half. The actual measurement in this plot is the set of black and coloured data points (black from WMAP, coloured from ground and balloon experiments). The red line/band is the best fit that the standard cosmological model can make to this data.
So... the
acoustic peaks exist! That is, the photograph we have taken today of some very cold light that happens to be permeating all of space really does record the
effects of extraordinarily quiet sound waves that rippled through the universe 13.7
billion years ago! Incredible!
analysing this image we are able to extract information about the
primordial density fluctuations that existed in the hydrogen plasma
at the very dawn of the Big Bang. We are also able to extract
information about the density of dark matter in the universe. This is
because it is dark matter that provides the gravitational wells for
the hydrogen plasma to fall in and out of as it pulsates for 400,000
years. We can use this image to extract information about the
curvature of the space that the CMB travels through for those 13 or
so billion years. A curvature of space bends the path of the CMB
which causes the locations of the acoustic peaks in the sky to
differ. We can even use this image to extract some information about
the rate at which the universe expands. If the universe has expanded
slightly more than we expect, then the CMB we are measuring has come
from further away. This would also change the location of the
acoustic peaks in the sky.
back to my analogy of the two buildings and the fact that the CMB was
made billions of years ago to remind yourself just how hard it was to
measure these fluctuations. This is why the measurement of the acoustic peaks in the CMB is one of the
greatest feats of detective work... ever.
the coffin to the graveyard, burying it and silently placing the
tombstone on the grave...
I wrote at the beginning of this post that the detection of the
acoustic peaks in the CMB temperature fluctuations represented the
final nail in the coffin of all things not the Big Bang. This is
true. However it turns out that the CMB is hiding still more
information about the early universe. The sound waves in the
primordial hydrogen plasma also induce a polarisation in the CMB.
This polarisation is exceedingly (almost outrageously) small, but it is there and its correlation with the temperature anisotropies has
now been measured. There is absolutely no reason to expect that a CMB
that did not arise from an almost-but-not-quite-silent hydrogen
plasma should have such a correlation, but yet again, it is there.
Twitter: @just_shaun
OK, I'm done editing. Any new edits will be marked as such!
ReplyDeleteOne of the sad aspects of extracting information from the CMB (and in fact this is true of cosmology in general) is that there is only a finite amount of information in it. This finite amount is a lot... and we're still extracting it, but we've possibly already reached the point of peak CMB. If not, we certainly will with Planck.
This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the best models for the origin of the primordial fluctuations in the density of the universe (and thus the hydrogen plasma too) have them arising from quantum fluctuations. This means that they must be stochastic. That is to say, we can predict the probability distribution they must have, but we can't predict their precise value. This is an unfortunate aspect of quantum mechanics.
So, we might end up stuck with indications of new, interesting things hiding in the CMB, but no way to know what they mean. If our model says something could only happen 1% of the time and it does happen, does this mean the model is wrong... or just that our universe happens to be a realisation of that 1%?
You can see this already in the last figure I showed. Planck will improve the accuracy of measurements on the right hand side of that figure. But everything we know at the large angles on the left is everything there is to know. Well, from temperature alone... polarisation still has stuff to tell us, thankfully. All of this is a consequence of the fact that we only have one universe to measure. Most other scientists can just keep doing the experiment to reduce statistical noise. We can't.
It's not a disastrous situation though because there are many other things in the sky to measure other than just the CMB. Still, it's sad that sometime soon (within our lifetimes) the CMB will have become a fully mined resource. Today we wait with baited breath to learn its secrets, but once they've been revealed, we'll just stop caring.
Measuring the structures of the universe (galaxies, quasars, clusters, stars, black-holes, etc) will always occur and be interesting. After all, it was measuring supernova that told us dark energy probably exists. However, the next cosmological resource that will be as overwhelmingly full of tasty, easily used, information will likely be gravitational wave astronomy. Hopefully cosmologists in 30 years time will be writing blogposts about tiny ripples in the primordial gravitational waves.
But for now at least, the CMB rules the cosmological world.
Do cosmologists know why the original density fluctuations existed? It would seem logical (to me at any rate) that any energy/matter creating event like the Big Bang that is presumably born out of the mathematics of the universe would be perfectly uniform. By that I mean that if the particles and space-time of the early universe were created from an infinitely small point then it should be entirely homogeneous, thereby leading to absolute homogeneity in the resulting hydrogen plasma. Obviously there must have been something to upset this (or my premise is just completely wrong) and I was just wondering if it's known what it might have been?
ReplyDeleteI wrote below that I'd reply to this soon. Is May soon?
DeleteAnyway, the question you've asked has a number of subtleties. I've made a note to write an actual post about this... sometime soon.
We don't *know* the origin of the primordial density perturbations. The best theory for their existence is cosmological inflation. In this theory the universe is expanding exponentially before the conventional Big Bang starts. In the simplest model of inflation this exponential expansion causes quantum fluctuations in the thing driving the expansion to be stretched out so that after a while they persist over all the length scales that we can currently observe. These fluctuations are, however, tiny. Even tinier than the primordial density perturbations were. The way they get magnified enough to become interesting is through the instability of the end of this inflation period. The end of inflation (in the simplest model) depends on the value of the field driving inflation. Therefore, these tiny quantum fluctuations in the field cause inflation to end at ever so slightly different times at different spatial points of the universe. The energy density of the universe is constant while inflation is occurring and starts to fall once the Big Bang gets going. So, this instability magnifies the fluctuations because the bits of the universe that inflated slightly longer end up slightly more dense today.
Inflation is by far the most popular theory for the origin of the primordial density perturbations and has made a few not so trivial predictions that have turned out right, but it is still waiting for its smoking gun and it has a number of theoretical problems.
Regarding your speculation that it is logical that the initial conditions of the universe should be perfectly uniform this is a really tricky question to ask. What is a logical initial condition for the universe? One of inflation's biggest problems is having an initial universe that can support it. High energy physicists can get into quite heated arguments about what a "natural" initial state of the universe is - or whether this is even a scientific question.
I'd like to clarify that in my previous (poorly worded) comment I didn't mean to imply that the Big Bang was the beginning of all existence - I know that's been giving certain cosmologists sleepless nights...
ReplyDeleteHaha. And one of those cosmologists will get around to answering your question sometime soon. I can't speak for the other cosmologists who have apparently also been losing sleep.
ReplyDeleteThe short, two word answer, to why the density fluctuations exist, that is, why the universe is not and never was entirely homogeneous is...
Quantum Mechanics.